Many are trying to find the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas. But this is largely an individual problem that requires an appropriate approach to consider each individual papillomavirus disease situation. It should be noted that folk remedies should be used for papillomas only with the consent of a doctor. Some of them may have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, treatment of papilloma is recommended after a visit to a specialist, even if you decide to use folk recipes.
Immunity above all
Getting rid of papillomas is not enough to remove these neoplasms. Papillomas must be treated in a complex way. One of the basic rules of complex treatment is to increase immunity.
It is with the help of the human immune system that the fight against the papillomavirus takes place. Therefore, to get rid of papillomatosis, the protective functions of your body must effectively cope with the responsibilities assigned to them.
In addition, there is a traditional way to increase immunity without resorting to expensive drugs - an immunostimulant or immunomodulators.
Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies involves several basic steps aimed at improving the performance of the immune system.
- Power correction.All the organs in our body are directly related to each other. Human nutrition has a huge impact on all internal systems. What can we say, the food we eat reflects the internal state of the body on our hair, nails and especially our skin. By giving up junk food and giving preference to healthy foods, you normalize the digestive tract, digestive system and increase the level of protective functions. That is, nutrition directly affects the state of immunity.
- Vitamins and minerals.There is an easy way to get vitamins: buy special complexes. But you can't buy the first vitamins you come across until you know exactly what your body is deficient in. To do this, you need to pass tests. In addition to the use of vitamin complexes bought at a drugstore, you can get the missing trace elements in food.
- Increased physical activity.The more active your life, the better your immune system can function. To get started, a simple walk is enough. If possible, play sports. But keep in mind that excessive physical activity is harmful.
- Folk remedies for treating immunity.These are mainly herbs, arrangements and decoctions based on them. There are many recipes, but the most useful for immunity are nettle, ginseng, aloe and echinacea.
- Curing.To improve immunity, you can take a contrast shower or a shower with water.
- Good mood.You will be surprised, but the psycho-emotional state of a person has a serious impact on health.

Popular folk recipes
For the treatment of papillomas with folk remedies, the most effective recipes are selected individually. Remember that each person has a unique organism. If one responds normally to using the same garlic, then in another person with papillomas, this product may cause allergies, irritation or even burns due to increased sensitivity of the skin.
Some forms of papillomavirus disease, such as biliary papillomatosis, should not be cured with folk remedies. So, if papillomas are formed on the genitals, in the mouth or in the gallbladder, carry out treatment strictly according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a doctor. If the warts are in safe areas and not causing serious problems, you can treat them yourself.
We invite you to get acquainted with some folk remedies for papillomas, which have received positive reviews and are actively used in the treatment of warts.

- A preparation made from onion peels. If you want to use folk remedies for papillomas, try using regular onions. You will need its shell. Collect it in a jar and fill it with regular vinegar, not acetic acid. Cover the jar with paper or a cloth and leave it in the room for 2 weeks. When the pod is taken, you need to drain the vinegar and dry the onion pod. When papillomas are formed, treatment with folk remedies involves the need to take several leaves, attach them to the wart and leave them overnight. When you remove the bandage in the morning, apply some grease or cream to your skin.
- Bath of healing.If the papillomatosis has covered different areas with warts, they can be treated simultaneously with a bath. To get rid of papilloma, you need about 3-5 kg of chestnut leaves. In addition, it is better to collect greens, as they are more effective in helping to cope with warts. After collecting about half a bucket of leaves, they are completely poured with boiling water, brought to a boil and insisted. After 12 hours, the decoction for the medicinal bath is ready. The broth is poured into water, and procedures can be taken. For the best results, it is recommended that you use water a few degrees warmer than your own body temperature. To remove papillomas with folk remedies in the form of a bath of chestnut leaves, literally 8-10 procedures are required. Only these baths can be taken once every 2 days.
- Kalanchoe.Traditional medicine gives a special place to a plant such as Kalanchoe. Traditional methods of treating papillomas with this plant involve the use of fresh leaves. They are applied with a cut on the wart, fixed with a bandage or plaster and left overnight. Even the most difficult warts are removed in 8-10 procedures.
- Celandine and olive oil.Every attending physician, despite his opinions on traditional medicine, confirms the fact that celandine is very effective against warts. No wonder, because there are even pharmaceutical drugs for papillomas based on them. But celandine can be used effectively with your own hands to remove warts. To do this, you need to collect the plant when it is in bloom - the period from May to July. The plant should be torn, but not cut, into small pieces. We recommend that you wear gloves to avoid burning your hands. The crushed plant is poured with olive oil. The proportions of the remedy for warts are the same. The drug for papillomas is infused for 30 days in a dark and preferably cool place. Warts are removed by adjusting the affected skin areas. To get rid of papillomas, it is recommended to apply a folk remedy on warts 2-4 times a day.
- Potatoes, thuja and celandine.You will need a 1 liter container. Conditionally divide it into 3 parts and fill each of them with potato sprouts, celandine and thuja sprouts. Everything is filled with alcohol and infused for 10 to 15 days. With the resulting product, treat warts about 2-3 times a day. It usually takes 10 days to get rid of papillomas.
- Garlic cream for warts.To remove papillomas and warts with folk remedies, many use garlic. In addition, garlic helps perfectly with warts in its pure form. But for a softer effect on healthy skin, with papillomas and warts, it is better to use garlic cream. The folk recipe provides for combining chopped garlic with any fatty cream in a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting remedy for papillomas and warts is applied to the growths for 1 to 2 hours and fixed with a plaster. Then be sure to remove the bandage and wash off the folk remedy for warts with warm water and soap.
Papillomas and warts are an urgent problem of our time. It is possible to cope with it both by modern traditional means and by methods of traditional medicine.